Monday, December 7, 2015

Me Project Part 1

Heredity, it is the things that we are born with, such as eye color, hair color, and skin pigmentation, perhaps even height and body build. All of these things are part of what develops when people have a first impression of you. The first thing a person knows about you when you meet them face to face is your appearance and all of these things deal with your appearance. So when I think about what kind of things I have been passed down from my family has been my height and obviously my heavy body build. My family has been known for tall and big people so that is where my looks come from.

I believe birth order is probably my most noticeable factor. Birth order is labeled as the order in which you are born in your family. I was born second in my family and I act much like what the studies in the book tell us about the last born child. I am much better in social relationships than my older sister and I am much more affectionate and friendly than she is at times. I believe the study of birth order is very accurate. I found that all of the things it talks about like what I listed are very true. Being born second I believe has made me a better and more fun-loving person.

Another factor is parental characteristics and this tells us about how the age or ideologies of our parents can affect us directly as they raise us. A few things that my parents handed down to me would be my religious views, my dedication to getting a good education, and how someday I want to be able to pursue a job in a field like what my parents have reached.

Lastly I will tell you about the factor of cultural environment. This factor deals with where you are raised and what culture you grow up in, and I believe the fact that I grew up in the United States has led to some of the characteristics the book listed. Such as competitiveness, assertiveness, and individualism, I find myself being very competitive at times and I definitely tend to be assertive at times. Lastly I believe individualism is a strong trait for me as well, because I find myself being very unique at times and definitely my own special kind of individual.

If I had to pick two factors that have really shaped my life it would be birth order and cultural environment. In these two factors I have found everything that makes me who I am in this life. I found that I am competitive, assertive, affectionate, friendly, and definitely a social bug. These things make up my life and that is why I picked birth order and cultural background to be my two go to factors for how my life is shaped.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


I think in this situation it wasn’t fair for them to penalize this soldier because it was a judgment call that someone gave him the authority to make. In the grand scheme of things it may have all been a misunderstanding but he needed to either make the call he made or possible could have risked getting killed or something worse happening from the men on the motorcycle. I think during a war everything that happens is based off of someone making a judgment call much like the soldier that got 20 years did. They all have to choose either kill or risk paying the price of their life for not making the write call sometimes. It all comes down to war is dangerous and risky but I don’t believe anyone should be charged with murder during a war when people are killed left and right because a war is one of the most savage things we people do.

                I believe that people that are citizens of the United States should have to do a few things to be considered true citizens. They need to do their part in supporting our government and society by voting, working, and paying taxes. When people that become citizens of this country or people that are born in our country to earn their citizenship, need to help out our society when they get older by doing those three things and anything else they can do to help better our country or our society. When you are a citizen you are supposed to do your part and help everyone.

Monday, November 9, 2015


Not all people think of racism the same way. Some believe it is strictly against blacks but is that really true? No it is not, it is based off of whatever ideal you believe or what you have seen, for example: some races believe their group or race is the most superior race and if you are not of that race then you are discriminated upon. Some groups see racism as being strictly color or even language can be a discrimination factor. Racism is different in everyone’s eyes.

                In the first article it tells us about how China for example saw itself as the center of society and many years ago they discriminated against people of different color and race because they believed that they were superior to everyone else. This is just one of the forms of discrimination talked about, but this was proven in historical records from China. It also tells us about what racism really is. Racism is based on biological features; this is why most people believe racism is based solely on color, when in reality it is much more than that to some people.

                Another issue in the first article includes slavery. Most people only think of black people to be slaves when the one thing most people do not know is that ever since the beginning it has been much more than black people being used as slaves. It states that many, many years ago in ancient civilizations any person or group that would get conquered or taken over would become slaves; “The Greeks and Romans employed slaves as domestic servants.” an example of this would be when a group like the Romans would conquer a Greek group they would make the group conquered into their slaves, no matter what color their skin was. One last thing this article talked about was where racism originated. Ultimately it originated where ever there was first hatred for another race or group of people. That is when it first happened was when people first began have hatred against certain races or a group of people that they did no mix well with. Even though this is what I believe is where it originated many say it can be traced back to western civilization first.

                Now onto the second article where it tells us about the different types of culture groups and how they transformed into these groups. One thing this article talks about that I believe needs to be shared is about how people interpret “racism versus individualism”. It tells of how whether or not you are racist is based off of how you judge a person based solely on the matter at hand. “The color of a person’s skin, his genetic origins, the community of his parents: none of that is essential in judging another.” Another thing that ties into this is how our melting pot of a country helps break apart all of the divisions of race that still exist in the country. Because people in this country must work together and if people of other races can help us do that, we will help them and let them help us to get the job done. In our country people working together helps the U.S. run and function and we need to have this to make sure we can stay as strong and dominant as ever before. Lastly the most important part of this article I believe is in the closing. It states, “, we have much more in common as individual human beings than as members of any particular group. To make the most of what society has to offer, we have to learn to see people for what they are, not what they seem to be or what we assume them to be.” This just continually supports the fact that you can’t judge a book by its cover and this is one of the reasons racism exists today, is because not everyone can see through what’s on the outside to what is good on the inside.

                For the third article we will talk about how the media can influence how prejudice we can really be. What this mainly told me when I read this article was that we are influenced by the things we hear more than the things we may actually think. “What’s in your head is not you, it’s the culture around you,” this informs us about how we may believe that we aren’t racist or prejudice, but when the media and literature around us continues to uproot the issues that people have tried to help us forget about, it tends to make us act or think slightly prejudice. “What is more important is you behavior, rather than your gut reaction.” This sums up how we need to act with how we interpret things from the media. If you stick with your gut reaction than that can influence how exploit what is on your mind from these conflicts and stereotypes are being brought up in front of you. It’s how you react to the stereotypes you hear and see in the media is how you will be defined as whether you are or are not prejudice. Hopefully it all works out that you can control yourself and your reaction so you are not prejudice.

                When it’s all said and done how can we decide where racism originated or if it is common in the entire world or just in the Western Civilizations? I believe that racism may have started off in Western civilizations but it branched out everywhere when people began moving around from country to country and as they did that prejudice views came with them. Did racism come from the media and western civilizations? I believe that it originated in the west but media continues uprooting it and bringing it out and that affects people around the world continuously when they have to relive the past and deal with old issues that have already been settled once before. It can be found anywhere there is hatred or prejudice against people or a group of people.

                My goal today was to tell you about racism and what racism is all about. I began tell you about how slavery hasn’t always been just African Americans, I’ve also told you about what racism is, where it originated, and how it is interpreted by people through the media. All of these things are facts about racism and they are to help you learn about what ways you can help yourself be less prejudice and find a path away from racism.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


1.       Welfare will make people lazy / Welfare could make people more motivated

2.       Gives children improved nutrition / Kids will live just as long as any other kid

3.       democrats are the only supporters of welfare /  many other people that are democrats don’t support it

4.       Longevity of life medically / They don’t go to the doctor because they can’t afford a shot

5.       People with welfare will have a higher income / People on welfare don’t have a very high income

6.       Welfare makes people expect handouts / some people on welfare don’t want it but have to be on it

7.       People on welfare are more susceptible to bad behavior / they respect receiving it and stay in good graces when they are on it

8.       People on welfare will not commit to jobs or family without it / some are committed to finding a job and staying with their family while on welfare

When Clinton speaks of his welfare approach I agree totally. He says that it is to help struggling families get back up on their feet and then they can be taken off welfare once they can support themselves. His idea also says that it should take no more than five years to do this. Today many people are on welfare and not all of them, but most of them abuse it and don’t use it to get back on their feet but instead continue to struggle in life. When he had this idea it was about bettering the poor and helping them not giving them more of a black eye for being lazy and helpless. I believe that he was correct in what he said about welfare, five years is plenty to help you get back on your feet, but during those years you need to work your tail off trying to help better yourself. If you don’t help better yourself then why should anyone else try to help you? This plan is full proof because it has a deadline that needs to be met or you don’t get welfare any longer. This is all something that can help motivate people on welfare and make us feel better about giving them money when we know it is going to good use.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Last LOF Blog

If we can't separate our civilized self from our savage self which will take over? I believe this could end up going either way due to how the person at stake was raised. Some people in their life were raised slightly different than others. Some people have a background of violence in their family and they keep all of that bottled up inside and they are genuinely nice people, on the other hand some people that have violent backgrounds may be violent people as well because of that. Now not all people will have this side to them, some may have nice polite backgrounds and they feel that rebelling is the way to life where others with a good family life may find that being polite and nice is the way to life. Now some of this may change when all of these mix together in a big melting pot of different ideals. I feel that it will be much like in the Lord of the Flies, the kind side would kick in for a while but eventually the savage side will take over because it will turn into the survival of the fittest.


How is a civilization created?  Are people controlled by society or is society controlled by people? Civilization is created from people that bring together and unite their ideals. They find ways to survive in the most efficient way possible. Once everyone has contributed ideas they all have to put those ideas to work in man power, and when that comes together and everything is running smoothly that is what creates a civilization. Society is shaped by people’s ideals. So when everyone puts in their own ideas then society either shuts them down or conforms to them and accepts them and that is how society is shaped. When everyone comes together and they all bring their own something special to the table that is when society is shaped and controlled by the ideals of the people.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

28th amendment

I propose that the drinking age be lowered to 19 due to the amount of people drinking in colleges. I don't think it would be right to drink in high school because people need to be more dedicated to school and their sports teams if they participate on them. Once you graduate high school you are technically considered an adult and adults should have the right to drink if they choose to do so. Not all people go to college after school, plenty of kids begin working somewhere right out of school so why cant those people drink. I think 19 is the golden age for drinking, it is the right age for people in college to be able to drink and it is the appropriate time to drink for the people that go right into the working aspect of their life. Make the drinking age 19 because it is ultimately the most appropriate and it is the right thing to do to save kids from trouble in their younger years.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

9th and 15th amendment

The 15th amendment to the Constitution granted African American men the right to vote (because at this time women did not have the right to vote yet) by declaring that the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Although ratified on February 3, 1870, the promise of the 15th Amendment would not be fully realized for almost a century.

The 9th Amendment
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
This basically states that citizens born in America have other rights that citizens that were born in other areas are limited to.



BARNGA-Reflect on the card game we played in class.
  • If you could describe the game in one word, what would it be? Crazy
  • What did you expect at the beginning of the game? I felt like it would be fun but would eventually get out of hand.
  • When did you realize that something was wrong? when pennies began being grabbed at random from other players.
  • How did you deal with it? petry started playing solitaire with himself and I laughed and just sat back and watched
  • How did not being able to speak contribute to what you were feeling? it made it extremely frustrating
  •  Is my title above appropriate for the game of "culture."  Why or why not? it is because life is just a big game odds and different rules and it depends on how your rules effect the way you live it.
  •  Is a universal language and set of customs necessary for world peace and harmony? I believe that would help keep us at peace a lot easier than it is now.
  •  What can a simple card game teach us about our culture? that it is very different or unique compared to other cultures.
  • Wednesday, September 23, 2015

    Bachi Bazi

    I believe that raping those boys should be socially unacceptable. It is so wrong and I don’t even know how the men raping the boys can live with themselves after doing such horrible things to them. If I was over there I would not have only beat up that man but would have done enough to make sure he never touches one of those boys sexually ever again. I would definitely step in and risk losing my job over doing the right thing to save those boys from harm. I think we need to both step up and try to change their views or get out and not let our men get put in the risk of death or losing their job in the military over this matter.

    From a sociological standpoint I believe it had to be incredibly hard for the men from the United States to just turn the other cheek. When they come from a society that sees this as an awful act it must be extremely difficult to look the other way. So, I do understand why they decided to beat up the man that they thought was leading this horrible idea and raping the little boys. It was all done in an effort to try and help these boys stay safe and give them dignity.

    Tuesday, September 22, 2015

    lord of the flies chapter 1-2

    Dear Aunt Sally,


    You will never guess what happened!!! We got in a plane crash and now I’m stuck on this island in the middle of nowhere. But I found a friend right away after we crashed his name is Ralph and was really nice to me right away but lately it seems, he has gotten meaner and meaner. It all started after I found a conch on the beach and showed it to him. He told me a story of how when someone blows through the conch and makes it sound that people will come, and sure enough after he did people began showing up out of the trees. Eventually the conch became a symbol of power but that wasn’t until after we met the choir that was also in the plane crash. The choir was split into altos and tenors with the leader being Jack a very arrogant tenor. You see when we were trying to turn our life into a civilization we started out with two things knowing we need fire so people can realize that we are here and the fact that we were all going to get hungry, so we needed food. So we went up to a large mountain and thought we would build the fire there but then a boy named Simon kept passing out and slowing us down but it was alright because he also seemed like the philosopher of our group. So we went up and started the fire and it was going great until it began dying out and it started more trees on fire and eventually it all went out. But you want to know the worst part!! Someone died in the fire!

    After the fire we went out and decided to hunt. Jack went to kill a pig but hesitated and the pig ran away. But it was ok there would be more chances to kill more food. That night I became scared of the creepers and beasties and the beast of the jungle. The creepers is what we call the underbrush and aspects of the jungle and the beasties are the vines that look like snakes in the trees, and last is the beast which we are all scared of except for Simon who told us that the beast is always inside you and it is waiting to get out. All that it is, is the fear inside of your body just waiting to come out and scare you. But all in all I am meeting knew people and trying to have fun but I just want to be back at home with you. I love you Aunt Sally.



    Thursday, September 10, 2015

    Macrosociology and Microsociology

    How can I see macrosociology in my life? I see it on the level that I am a teenager that goes to school and I’m a male, and I live in a rural area. All of the things I listed are the aspects of my life that are macrosociological. They all show the large scale groups I could be categorized in. How can people view me or themselves in these categories? They need to look at all of the large groups they fit into and then figure out where they belong.  Another type of sociological breakdown is called microsociology. With this type of sociological outlook it searches deeper into the groups I may have mentioned earlier and it looks more into the detail aspect. Such as who has facial hair, who has white teeth, who has been injured in their life, and who has blue eyes, the list goes on and on but my point is it’s all a deeper type of thought other than the huge general macrosociological ideas of the big groups. Now I will show you an example of how these fit into the way we look at things in life.

    So now I will relate this to our life boat worksheet. One of the macrosociological groups you could say was all the people included in the shipwreck; another group could be all of the shipwreck survivors, then on to a different group of the survivors that made it to the life boat. Now looking into the survivors on the life boat you can use your microsociological skills to look deeper into the group and notice the people that are hurt, the people that are weak, the people that are strong, and the people that seem ok but may not be much help. Now when it came to kicking people off the boat this is how we used the process of elimination to get rid of them, we looked deeper into microsociology and found out the little things to help us make our decision.

    We may not always use these two types of sociologies for good most of the time it can be related to stereotyping and can be used as a harmful way to look at groups and classify them but whether you realize it or not it is the way we look at things in our everyday life, and it is the way we always will until the day we die.

    Sociological Mindfulness

    Today I watched a Ted video about how people in American tend to be self-centered. The video told me about how people in the world need to know how they fit into the world and how we need to stop stepping on other peoples feet and trying to force things onto other people. Years and years ago when the Chinese were using our coal we were angry because we were losing money and we ended up poor. But when we go over to the Middle East to take their oil we think it’s okay and it doesn’t bother us or make us angry. The problem is we don’t realize how much we are hurting those people and the kinds of hardships they face when we are taking their oil. They are scared to rebel because then we start a war and fight with them. The more they rebel the more of them die and we don’t see anything wrong with that, thus we keep taking oil and we leave them poor. The thing is we don’t know how to take the oil and leave them with money so they don’t rebel. We need to stop stepping on toes and trying to push things on people. One thing we push on people is religion people see the U.S. military as crusaders. Crusaders are warriors that push religion on people. That seems to be what we are doing to the people of the Middle East and they are angry with us. So we need to find a way to not push religion on people and leave them with some money for the oil we are taking and make sure they aren’t poor or feel like religion is being forced on people.

    This essay was to tell you about the ted video that told about how people can step on other people’s feet and not realize it. I see myself fitting into society as a man that went to four years of college and ended up as a worker in the middle class.