Tuesday, September 22, 2015

lord of the flies chapter 1-2

Dear Aunt Sally,


You will never guess what happened!!! We got in a plane crash and now I’m stuck on this island in the middle of nowhere. But I found a friend right away after we crashed his name is Ralph and was really nice to me right away but lately it seems, he has gotten meaner and meaner. It all started after I found a conch on the beach and showed it to him. He told me a story of how when someone blows through the conch and makes it sound that people will come, and sure enough after he did people began showing up out of the trees. Eventually the conch became a symbol of power but that wasn’t until after we met the choir that was also in the plane crash. The choir was split into altos and tenors with the leader being Jack a very arrogant tenor. You see when we were trying to turn our life into a civilization we started out with two things knowing we need fire so people can realize that we are here and the fact that we were all going to get hungry, so we needed food. So we went up to a large mountain and thought we would build the fire there but then a boy named Simon kept passing out and slowing us down but it was alright because he also seemed like the philosopher of our group. So we went up and started the fire and it was going great until it began dying out and it started more trees on fire and eventually it all went out. But you want to know the worst part!! Someone died in the fire!

After the fire we went out and decided to hunt. Jack went to kill a pig but hesitated and the pig ran away. But it was ok there would be more chances to kill more food. That night I became scared of the creepers and beasties and the beast of the jungle. The creepers is what we call the underbrush and aspects of the jungle and the beasties are the vines that look like snakes in the trees, and last is the beast which we are all scared of except for Simon who told us that the beast is always inside you and it is waiting to get out. All that it is, is the fear inside of your body just waiting to come out and scare you. But all in all I am meeting knew people and trying to have fun but I just want to be back at home with you. I love you Aunt Sally.



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