Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sociological Mindfulness

Today I watched a Ted video about how people in American tend to be self-centered. The video told me about how people in the world need to know how they fit into the world and how we need to stop stepping on other peoples feet and trying to force things onto other people. Years and years ago when the Chinese were using our coal we were angry because we were losing money and we ended up poor. But when we go over to the Middle East to take their oil we think it’s okay and it doesn’t bother us or make us angry. The problem is we don’t realize how much we are hurting those people and the kinds of hardships they face when we are taking their oil. They are scared to rebel because then we start a war and fight with them. The more they rebel the more of them die and we don’t see anything wrong with that, thus we keep taking oil and we leave them poor. The thing is we don’t know how to take the oil and leave them with money so they don’t rebel. We need to stop stepping on toes and trying to push things on people. One thing we push on people is religion people see the U.S. military as crusaders. Crusaders are warriors that push religion on people. That seems to be what we are doing to the people of the Middle East and they are angry with us. So we need to find a way to not push religion on people and leave them with some money for the oil we are taking and make sure they aren’t poor or feel like religion is being forced on people.

This essay was to tell you about the ted video that told about how people can step on other people’s feet and not realize it. I see myself fitting into society as a man that went to four years of college and ended up as a worker in the middle class.

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