Monday, April 18, 2016

Flat Tire or Flat Tax

Right now the United States follows the order of progressive taxes. The rich are taxed more than the poor and the middle class is right in the middle of the two. Should we change from a progressive tax to a flat tax? A flat tax is a way of taxing people that puts everyone on a level playing field. This tax, taxes the upper, lower, and middle class on the same level. They are all treated equal; this is something that would probably upset the lower class because they feel like the rich, making so much more money than the poor, should be taxed higher because it is not fair to the lower class.

Some of the advantages of progressive taxes include: the rich stay in check because they are taxed higher, the poor does not completely lose all their money to taxes so they can still have enough money to live. Progressive taxes have worked for our country for years and it would take years to make the switch and get everyone used to it.

Flat taxes are much different than progressive taxes these taxes are the same for all the different class levels. Some of the world would see this as a good thing. This is the lower classes point of view, they believe that the upper class should be taxed higher so they would never vote for this tax because that means that the rich will be richer and the poor will be poorer. To them this is not fair and they would never agree to this tax. The majority of the country is not rich so they will not vote for a flat tax.

What will we do, keep our progressive tax or upset most of the country and switch to a flat tax? I think this nation should just keep the tax that we currently have and save everyone the hassle of changing their ways and hopefully this can keep everyone happy.

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