Monday, April 25, 2016

Who killed JFK?

Did our nation lose its innocence with the assassination of our president? The mystery is something that no one in our nation will ever understand. What exactly happened on November 22nd, 1963? The world will probably never know for sure but it has been opened up and considered one of the biggest conspiracies in the nation and the world. Was JFK assassinated by one man known as Lee Harvey Oswald or was it three shooters and he actually was just the face of the shooter that was framed by the master plot to kill JFK? Some of these things we will never truly know but it is something that will leave Americans confused, and will always make them second guess decisions when it comes to the government and the election of offices and presidential elections. So what actually happened that terrible day, here are a few of the ideas I have researched that may help you develop an opinion.

So first off some people believe that 9/11 may have also been a conspiracy and that the American people may feel like that accident may have been their own fault. The attack on the world trade centers was fatal and killed about 3,000 people. This was an Al-Qaida terrorist attack on the United States, they attacked us where they know they could unexpectedly take out a large group of people and without warning it would be the perfect plan. They attacked the buildings by crashing two hijacked planes into the towers. The planes hit the towers and didn’t immediately explode they sat there on fire for a minute or two until they finally blew up and then the building caught fire and it slowly began to combust. Then after about an hour the tour finally collapsed and killed approximately 2,173 people. This was devastating to the people of New York and when the news made it out to the entire nation, people found themselves shell shocked and confused. Many went to god for prayers and most found themselves lost and they had no idea what to do. The surprise of this attack put one thought in the majority of the American population’s minds, terrorist attack. They all believed it was a terrorist attack and for the longest time that’s all they thought. Although people did believe it was a terrorist attack people will always try to find a way to pin things back on the government, thus a conspiracy theory was developed on this idea. People believed that the government could have had something to do with this but I’m not convinced on the theory of the government doing something of this magnitude to their people. Did the nation lose its innocence when this disaster happened? I believe it scared them and made them more timid if anything.

JFK was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. This is the statement that the government wants us all to hear and believe. I don’t believe it. The government is corrupt and they killed off our 35th president. The government set us up to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald took three shots in six and a half seconds with a bolt action rifle while the president was moving away from him at ten miles per hour. This course of action is impossible even with the best shooters in the nation and Lee Harvey Oswald was said to be a mediocre shooter at best from other men that knew him in the war. So how could one man who was not a very skilled shooter manage to hit a moving target with a bolt action rifle three times in six and a half seconds? It is simply not possible. Meanwhile other witnesses say that they heard two shots come from behind the fence of the grassy knoll; others said that they even saw smoke come from behind the fence by the train station and this is where it is believed that the second and third shots came from. The conspiracy is said to be that the government had a team hired that selected three or more shooters that would be located behind the fence at the grassy knoll and in the upstairs window of the book depository in behind the car which JFK was riding. Conspiracy I think so, but it’s all up to your individual opinion.

Do I think that MLK and RFK’s assassination was part of the JFK assassination that I believe was done by the government? I believe that the government did have something to do with it. I believe that the uprisings and rallies brought forward by MLK may have upset the government and they may have had something to do with his assassination. When it comes to RFK it only helps prove that JFK was assassinated by the government. RFK and JFK shared almost the exact same view so it only makes sense that the government would take him out as well.

So did our nation lose its innocence I believe over the years it has been hard for our nation to stay faithful to our government when it seems like all these terrible things continue happening and the only lead we find onto who did it goes straight to the government and some of their sources. It makes everyday life hard for the American and it hurts us all to know that we might not be able to trust our government. What should we do to make ourselves comfortable with the things we believe that they are doing? That is up to you based on whether you believe that these conspiracies are true.

1 comment:

  1. I believe your comment "it has been hard for our nation to stay faithful to our government." Power goes to people heads and makes them do incomprehensible things. It definitely changes some people.
